August 11, 2013

A Blog Post!

Can someone remind me how to create a blog post, please?  JK....but it has been a long time!   The creative juices were not really flowing this summer.  And the demise of Google Reader still has me in a tailspin as far as visiting all my friends.   Anyone else feeling that?
I have been working, ever so slowly, on this set of seasonal tags.  A children's dictionary I found in a thrift store was the inspiration.  I liked the print size and fun pictures that came along with the definitions.  So here are a few -- well, most of the tags I created.
Hope to be better about visiting everyone and maybe even creating and posting.




  1. Lol...I know exactly what you mean! Your tags are wonderful, as always! BTW, I'm using Feedly as my new blog reader, I really like it!

  2. Those are such great tags.

  3. Posting on my blog has not been a top priority with me either.
    I am still peeking in on my bloglist via Feedly...very similar to Blogger.
    Love your tag project. Glad to see you are still having fun creating.

  4. AWESOME tags!! I have no blog for you to read and just click on your link in the Gingerwood list every now & then and hope you're sharing a creation or two. Here's hoping our summer lasts for a couple months longer. nise

  5. Love your tags, fabulous as always. The illustrations are lovely

  6. Yeah!!!! you are back and with some awesome creations! I love them all!
    Hope you are enjoying your summer.



I appreciate your comments....thanks so much!