October 31, 2007

Really? I look like that?

Jacqueline posted an absolutely beautiful wedding card on her blog. I was reading along and admiring her work -- as usual -- when I came upon something I had to read again. What? She said the beautiful young girl in the image reminded her of me !! (Well, actually she said Louise from Krazy Kards, but I'm going to assume that's me). I've never been good at seeing similarities in people, so I'll leave that to you. Go check out Jacqueline's blog and see if you agree.

Oh, by the way, Jacqueline, you made my day!

October 30, 2007

Christmas Tag Card

I could not bring myself to make another Halloween card to post for today. I actually did make more Halloween cards this year (and sent them!) than ever before. But now I've got Christmas on the brain, so despite the holiday, you get a Christmas card. I don't make my cards all the same, but like each one to be unique. So I've got to get cracking on them.

Not all my Christmas cards are stamped. There's just too much incredible product out there that I want to try. This card consists of a Crafty Secrets image, a Daisyd's tag, and some rub ons by Creative Imagination. This background paper by Foof-a-la has been sitting on my craft table for a while, just waiting for the right Christmas card to come along!

October 29, 2007

Button Tree

This didn't start out as a button tree. I initially used the eraser from the end of a pencil as a stamp to make little round ornaments hanging from the tree branches. I added some sparkle to them with a glittler pen and they looked quite cute. But then I bought these buttons from Rhonna Farrer and I just couldn't resist.
I used an Opaque Stix from Marvy to add snow to the tree branches. The snow at the bottom was created by by applying some glue with the Zig glue pen and then adding glitter over that.
The background paper is from K& Co. The circle greeting is from StampinUp. Not quite sure about how I added that to the card -- that may get changed.

This stamp by Judith just caught my eye as I thought of all the endless occasions I could decorate it for -- Christmas, of course. But how about a little Valentine's tree with tiny hearts? Or little eggs dangling from its branches for Easter. Tiny pumpkins for fall?

I'm sure you'll be seeing this stamp again.......

October 28, 2007

Christmas Nativity

I've been starting to experiment with some Christmas stamps and create a few designs for this year's cards. I don't like to make too many of the same card, so I have to have several designs. Here is one I came up with yesterday.

Nativity image and flourish tag is by StampinUp. Background script is by Art Impression. Corner flourish is by Stampington.

October 26, 2007

Where do the gift cards go?

When all the presents are under the tree, where do you put the gift cards? Even in a lot of the holders you see, you can't just throw them under the tree, they get lost. I don't like the look of envelopes perched on branches either, but that's just me. Here's my solution: Gift card holders that you can hang on the tree. They add another decorative element to your tree as well as being practical. And they include Velcro on the inside to avoid any peeking issues!

I first created a top-folded 5x7 card and rounded the corners. I opened the card and cut two slits at the top fold to insert the ribbon, twine or cord (whichever you prefer) so you can hang it on the tree. I then cut a piece slightly smaller than the card from patterned paper to fit just inside the opened card. Then taking your gift card ( or in my case this junk Discover card) take a craft knife and measure to cut four slits into the patterned paper only where you can place your gift card. I then added just a small piece of Velcro at the top and bottom to make sure the card stays shut until the right time!

October 25, 2007

Poinsettias and Pines

What I want to do is pull out ALL my Christmas stamps, paper, ribbons, embellishments, etc., and just start making Christmas cards. Unfortunately, I've no time for that now. Too many computer problems calling my name. So I'll have to settle for this one card made today and leave the rest for another day. The poinsettia and sentiment are stamps from See-D's. The pine bough is from Art Impressions.

October 24, 2007

Growing Old

Won't be so hard if I have friends to walk with me. I'm very blessed that way. That's why I used this wonderful picture to create my card for Wednesday Stamper. Last week we were challenged to make something involving children, and this week we are moving in the other direction and creating something about growing old. I used stamps from Stampington, Hero Arts, and Making Memories to create my background.
The sentiment comes from a stamp by B Line Design.

October 23, 2007

Fall Card

My grandmother used to tell us we had some gypsy blood in us, so this quote has been one I've been wanting to use for a while. I computer-generated it for this card.
I stamped the trees (Northwoods) with black Staz-On on a glossy sheet which I had applied alcohol inks to. The eye (Hampton Arts) I overstamped with black Staz-On where the moon used to be. The background paper is gorgeous in real life with tiny little orange crystal like things on it.
I'll be sending this to my older sister -- I think she'll appreciate the message.

October 22, 2007

Friends ATC

Friends was the theme for the challenge at Think Monday, Think ATC. I love universal themes like this. Makes it easy to crank one out before going to work!
The stamps I used were from a Stamp in the Hand (background foliage); Queens Dresser Drawers (musical girls and sentiment). The little frame is from K&Co.

October 21, 2007

Gothic Arch Challenge

When my Mom was very sick and shortly before she passed away there was a passage in Psalms I came across that gave me incredible comfort. I have printed it on the back of my patterned paper here, but it's very hard to read. It goes: "But I trust in you, O Lord; I say 'You are my God.' My times are in Your hands."
That verse came to mind when I saw the challenge this week on Gothic Arches which was "Hands."

The lace around my arch was an RAK from Lyneen. The clock stamp is from Stampington.
Flower punch from Martha Stewart. Background paper I printed the verse on is from Crafty Secrets.


October 20, 2007

Sweetest Day

I'm really surprised by the lack of Sweetest Day cards on blogs I peruse. I guess it's pretty much a U.S. holiday, but still.....Anyway, here is my contribution to the holiday.
Stamp is by Stampington. Other than that it's just patterned papers and one-half of a flower from Prima.

Public Service Announcement

Do you check your junk e-mails before you delete them? Or do you -- as is my custom -- just delete the whole list of them without even looking at who sent them? Well, our computer trainer recently advised you should ALWAYS check at least the name of the sender of any junk mail before deleting it because every once in a while an e-mail you want, but the computer doesn't recognize as a known sender, gets sent to the junk box inadvertently. I am sure a lot of you are thinking, well, of course, I do that; but it was news to me.
Case in point: This week for some unknown reason I decided to check the junk file before I deleted it. What was sitting there, waiting for me? An e-mail from from the editor of a stamping magazine asking me if I wanted to submit some work to be considered (emphasis on the considered) for an article as a guest artist!!! Well, of course I did and returned the e-mail immediately.
But I keep thinking how easily I could have deleted that e-mail............

October 18, 2007


Three different challenges the past couple weeks from Stampin D'Amour

I couldn't pass up this challenge for a card with a Can-Can dancer seeing as I had this great stamp from Inkadinkado (which I really don't have that many opportunities to use). To create the background for the stamp I swiped distress inks on cardstock. There's a couple of personal details on this card -- can you spot them? You'd probably have to click on the card.

Another challenge, this one calling for inchies again (that one was my idea!). I used these great inchie stamps from Queens Dresser Drawers for this one, stamping them on some bright background paper. The "remember" is part of a stamp from Rubber Stampede. The chipboard book label is from Heidi Swapp.

This last one is a "scary cat" challenge. I stamped my cat and moon on a background I created with alcohol inks. I then layered that on some background paper from Basic Grey (Mellow).

October 17, 2007

Wednesday Stamper

The theme this week at Wednesday Stamper is Children. I made these two ACT's for the challenge.

I created the background color with chalk pencils.
The tree background is by Northwoods Rubber Stamps. Children stamp by Rubber Stampede. "Magical" by Art by Moonlight.

The little girls are from Art Impressions. The friend definition is from Rubber Stampede.

Flowers by Prima and Heidi Swapp.

October 16, 2007

Happy Halloween

I made this card last year actually for a publication, but it didn't get picked up. It's made from that Heidi Grace paper that has the circles all over it, which I simply punched out and added my rub-on letters, too. I added the peek-a-boo circle at the top along with some black mesh and a chipboard "H" .

October 15, 2007

Chipboard Composition Book

Wanted to share this "Inspiration Project" I completed for Stampin D'Amour this month. I created this "organizer" from a 7 Gypsies chipboard composition book. Most of the background papers are from 7 Gypsies as well. All the office stickers are from Crafty Secrets.

October 14, 2007

Sunday Arch Challenge

Here is my take on the "party" theme this week at Gothic Arches.

I went with a somewhat private affar.

October 13, 2007

Tea Lights

This is my alternative to the Nugget craze (which consists of taking the top wrapping off Hershey's Nuggets and rewrapping them with stamped wrappers). I like the idea of it quite a bit, but in that it's not wise for me to be sitting around UNwrapping chocolate I came up with the idea of wrapping tea lights with strips of decorative paper. It makes a great little gift that you can convert to any occasion.
I've covered the tea lights (which are quite cheap and I happen to have quite a stash of) with small strips of paper 1/2 inch in width and about 5-1/2 inches long. I cut smaller widths with my decorative scissors and attached them over that. I kept the design simple, but there's any number of smaller embellishments you could add. Although you wouldn't need to take the paper off before you lit the candles (the paper when cut at 1/2 inch doesn't quite come to the top) some people may choose to, so the paper is attached to itself and will just slide off the bottom.
I also covered this jewelry box in some brown flocked paper I had (Paper Bouquet) to hold five tea lights. Much cheaper than buying the tins the nuggets are supposed to go in. I have a boxful of different containers I could alter for just about any occasion to match my tea lights.

October 12, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

I liked these fall stamps from Michael's. Liked them even more because they were in the $1 bin.
Loved them when I found out they were on sale for sixty cents each.
I added a little Basic Grey paper and some matching ribbon I happened to have to make what I think turned out to be a cute little card!

October 11, 2007

Happy Birthday

I made this card for my husband whose birthday is today. I really struggled with the coloring here. I asked my husband who is a big fan of horses and knows quite a bit about them what kind he thought this might be. He thought for a long time and then said a cross between -- and proceeded to name three different kinds of horses I'd never heard of. Oh, well. The one thing I was really pleased with -- and you'll either have to look at the smaller picture or click on the big one to see it -- was the detail I added to the tail. I unwound a piece of twine and added it to the card with some glue.
The stamp is by PSX and the paper comes from the Vintage Collection of Hot off the Press.

October 10, 2007

Wednesday Stamper -- Inchies

Could not resist making some inchies for the challenge this week at Wednesday Stamper. I'm very excited I finally found a one inch punch! Those things are not as easy to find as you would think. I used a mixture of stamps here from Queens Dresser Drawers, Technique Tuesday.
The stamps from Queens Dresser Drawers which I used are actually for inchies, so I had fun stamping and cutting those up. The stamps from Technique Tuesday are from a set called Old World which is just the perfect size for inchies.

CardMaker Magazine

The November issue of CardMaker Magazine is on the stands so I can share three of the cards that I had published in that issue. All three were fairly simple designs.
Vintage Santa: Santa stamp is from Art By Moonlight. Background paper is DCWV.
Thanksgiving: Stickers from DCWV. Leaf punch by Laura Ashley. Background paper by DCWV, Old World Pack.
Twas the Night Before Christmas: Rub-ons from Creative Imaginations.

October 9, 2007

TMTA - Mask

Here is my ATC for the "Mask" theme from Think Monday, Think ATC.
Didn't have a lot to choose from in my craft supplies, so fortunately Halloween is around the corner and I was able to find this vintage cut from Crafty Secrets.
The black and orange harlequin paper in the background is also from Crafty Secrets. It's my absolute favorite Halloween paper.

October 8, 2007

For Nancy

This card is a Thank You to Nancy Maxwell James and her son Andrew who is being deployed to Iraq very shortly. It's a simple design but the message behind it is filled with the greatest heartfelt appreciation to Andrew who chose to serve our country in this honorable and sacrificial way. It also is for Nancy whose anguish I cannot even imagine, to thank her for the sacrifice she is making as well. As mothers we never lose the desire to protect and keep our children from danger. At those times we cannot, we can rest in knowing that God can.This card is part of a site that has been created to send encouragement to Nancy Maxwell James of Vintage Papers called For Nancy. Please check it out if you are interested in participating.

Gothic Arch

I've lots to catch up on I was gone for the weekend for the wedding I mentioned previously. Because of that I missed a lot of the World Cardmaking Day challenges and fun. I don't want to miss the Gothic Arch challenge as it's something I look forward to every week, so here is this week's entry. The theme was flowers. Lots of possibilities there. In fact I just bought some new flower stamps from Stamping Day & Night, a great stamp store I visited in Fort Wayne, IN, which is where the wedding was. It's the apple blossom one I used along the border of the arch. The girl and doll is from Inkadinkado.

Halloween ATC Album

I wish I could show this in one picture, but it just would not work. This is two halves of one long ATC album I made. Each page features a Halloween ATC and then a letter to spell out S-P-O-O-K-Y. Click on it to get a much better picture.
I made this as an inspiration project for Stampin D'Amour.
I used a lot of Crafty Secrets paper and images here.

October 5, 2007

Wedding Card

My husband is best man at a wedding this weekend. The groom happens to be a fan of my cards and has often asked me to make cards. It was so nice to be able to make this card for him to celebrate this very special occasion in his life.
I was afraid my husband would be put off by the flower and lace, but he was quite happy with it. I think the deep brown in the background paper balanced it out some.

October 4, 2007

Autumn Colors. That was the challenge this week from Wednesday Stamper. I had some lovely shiny cardstock onto which I stamped my tag (StampinUp) with Rusty Brown StazOn.
Using that same cardstock I created a background using the Rusty Brown as well as Olive Green and Timber Brown StazOn. I then stamped my gentlemen (River City Rubber Works) onto that with Black StazOn. I think it shows some real autumn colors. I also punched a few leaf sprigs from the scraps to add to the card. The two travel tags are from See-D's stamps which were stamped on cream cardstock with brown ink.

Sweetest Day Card

This is somewhat of a companion to yesterday's card. I think this paper came in the same pack as yesterday's pink coffee bean paper (maker unknown). I also used the Crafty Secrets retro Coffee and Tea set here, including the "sweetie" up at top. Makes the perfect Sweetest Day card!

October 3, 2007

Thank You

I found this neat coffee bean paper in the back of my stash. I'm pretty sure it came from the dollar store many moons ago. No name on the back of it. But I thought it would go soooo well with the Crafty Secrets Retro Coffee and Tea stamps I've been liking so much.

Both stamps are from Craft Secrets. I just cut a little scalloped edge from black cardstock to add some embellishment and pink twill tabs. Pretty easy.

October 1, 2007


Just found this image I had saved on my computer from Lisa Vollrath's site, Go Make Something. Thought I'd try giving this sweet little face a couple of different hats.
For both of these cards I used this brown flocked paper I found at Big Lots. Another one of those amazing buys where they were selling three packs with 12 sheets in each pack for $1. It's just a shame you can't feel this paper.
The flourish and harlequin stamps on each tag are from Technique Tuesday. It's a clear acrylic set called Old World Squares. A great stamp set of small collage pieces, perfect size for ATC's or smaller projects. The witch hat is from PSX and the crown is from Brenda Walton clear stamps. I added a little dollar store bling to the crown.