There's a little incentive this week to get your creative juices flowing and it also ties in with the fact that I am about to hit 100,000 hits on my blog. I'd like to do a little give-away. But in order to be in the running, you are going to have to attempt this color scheme and make a tag.
Post your link here and that will make you eligible.
And what is the prize? How about a sheet of stamps from Oxford Impressions? They have a brand new Christmas set out called St. Nicholas well as two other Christmas sets. You'll get to choose a sheet, Christmas or otherwise, from their line of fabulous stamps.
This is a lovely color combination.
Like the tag too.
Your tag looks so lovely! I am afraid of these colors but you have provided great inspiration and incentive! A sheet of Christmas stamps is well worth the effort!
Quite a challenge this week Louise. Here's mine:
Ho Ho Ho
Have a wonderful week everyone and TFL! - Kris
Oh...and I love your tag too Louise!
Here is mine: the kittens have lost their mittens
You can find my Tag here Thanks for looking!
Lovely color choice and your tag is gorgeous! I clicked the image to get a wonderful close up!!!
Gayle's Tag
I actually got one done! Must be the incentive...I want those stamps!!!!
Seriously, this was a hard one! As always, you make it look easy...nice tag.
My Dahlia Angel
cool beans! teal, wine and blue? I'll get right on it, who wouldn't Love the new set from Oxford Impressions. of course I'd still make a tag anyway!! Yours is Lovely as usual Louise! I'll be back.
Louise your colors are fabulous and the little ones are so cute. Love the blue flakes.
My entry is here. Thank you.
loving the colour combo....it really does make this piece...gorgeous
Wow, your tag looks really fab. My entry is on my
So hard this week! I love your tag Louise, very inspirational!
Here's my tag.
Thanks for the challenge!
Love your tag, Louise!
My challenge tag is on my blog:
My first post was very strange, for some reason! Darling tag, Louise, with a wonderful combination of the colors. Thanks again for the challenge!
My tag is on my BLOG
I'm back... Yep and I finished my Beautiful Angel tag for your challenge, Now Louise that was a hard color combo! Here's mine. Trash to Treasure Art
Your tag is lovely, Louise. Your use of the challenge colors is inspired.
I gave it a go too, here's
my tag
Your tag is delightful, Louise. This was definitely a colour 'challenge' this week but I love how these unexpected colours mix. My tag is on my blog. Cheers!
My tag is on my blog here.
Thanks for looking.
I don't have a link to post. I am so technically challenged. I love your tags inspired by Tim. And I love Suzanne's Oxford stamps too. I did make a tag using Tim's 'little girl crying on Santa's lap' tag. It turned out kinda cute. I had lotsa fun making it.
I love the rich colors in your tag, Louise; just beautiful. And you took your picture outside?! Here's my tag.
Your tag is beautiful Louise!! I'm late (again!) but you can see my 2 tags here : http://pinkcanary.canalblog.com/archives/2009/12/14/16144754.html
Hello! I loved these colors!So pretty when presented together on the tag!
This is my entry:
Merry Christmas!
Thank you,
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