December 15, 2009

Tag Challenge Winner

More computer obstacles as I used the random number generator to pick the winner of the stamp sheet from Oxford Impressions.  I got it to generate the winning comment easily enough, but I could not figure out how to transfer the results to this post.
You'll just have to trust me on this one:)
With that said, our winner of her choice of stamp sheets from Oxford Impressions was our 15th commenter or
Joy, please take a look around the Oxford Impressions site, and when you have made your choice e-mail it to me with your address info.  Congratulations, Joy!


Jacqueline said...

Wow Joy! Congratulations, I'm sure you will have many happy creative hours with those beautiful stamps!

joy said...

Oh, gumdrops!!! I actually WON a stamp set??? How exciting. I will have to check out OI to see what is the most enticing to me :)

Thanks so much Louise! I am thrilled!

Lynn Stevens said...

Congratulations Joy , This must be your lucky week! You are going to Love those stamps!